Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Missionary Sending Home A Message!

Caleb Bowman, my husband's brother, has recently left on a two year Spanish speaking mission to Atlanta, Georgia. I just know that he is going to do great things! He is extremely caring and completely devoted to changing the lives of those who are ready to open their hearts to the Spirit of the Lord. He is getting ready to leave the MTC and we received an email from him today that had a really inspiring message that I felt was worth sharing with all of you. The message was directed to the missionaries, but of course, can be applied to each and everyone of our lives.

Caleb said that there was a talk given a week or so ago and the speaker said "just as long as your trying.... you plan to fail." He was encouraging the missionaries to, instead of trying... to just DO.

Since this is a new year, we all may find ourselves beginning to set new goals and straighten out our priorities. I think that if we all DO, rather than try, we can accomplish those goals that we always seem to place on the back burner. So I am not going to try, but I am going to JUST DO. For example, I WILL renew my commitment to my family and my faith by spending my time more wisely with my children and husband. I WILL read my scriptures daily, The Book of Mormon and The Bible because they both go hand in hand with one another.

Caleb has always been so observant, extremely considerate, and in tune with the Spirit. He isn't quick to judge and he is always willing to be himself. In this letter, Caleb also shared the following words that were delivered by Brother Stephen B Allen:

  • "Don't compare yourself to anyone else, it's not who you AREN'T its who you ARE, being yourself is GREAT! The voice that says you can't is the adversary. When everything says you CAN'T, listen to the voice that says you CAN!"

Allen's message is SO important and really needs to be shared with all. Hopefully this message has inspired you to reflect upon your OWN INDIVIDUAL SELF WORTH! Each one of us is very different, but Heavenly Father loves us all the same! We are each unique and we CAN move mountains if we just "listen to the voice that says [we] CAN".

Thanks Elder Bowman, for such a wonderful message! Words can and will touch many individuals' lives and you have certainly touched mine with your message! I appreciate your dedication to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I have one cousin on a mission now and two leaving in just a few days. Their messages are very inspiring and I am thankful to your brother in law for sharing such a beautiful message with you. Thank you for also passing it along to others. We all need to take the time to reflect and then commit ourselves to whatever it is that we are "trying" to do and JUST DO IT!!! Thank you for the message and reminder of what we really have deep within us all!
